Monday, October 30, 2017

Punycode well-formed Camouflage technique leads to the phishing attack. “Phishing attack possible to detect by Naked eyes is not True as you may think”

Punycode well-formed Camouflage technique leads to the phishing attack. “Phishing attack possible to detect by Naked eyes is not True as you may think”

A simple browser Vulnerability is used to target phishing attack.

Facts Stats :

Camouflage Web Site which is identical to real site accessed on the various browser to identify how Punycode is handled.I decided to run the test on my local machine and the results are alarming. The Mozilla browser doesn't distinguish between the Fake and Actual Site.  

 Analysis on the SSL certificate.

A Punycode Converter used to Camouflage the site URL address.

Finally: Google Chrome and IE have patched the issue. Mozilla has to act fast to patch the issue; however, the user can manually enable Punycode flag in the browser.

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