Objective- Provide an unbiased platform for communication that cuts across hierarchy and dimensions of Global security landscape. Develop Technology Awareness keeping recent Trends and Incidents. Create security consciousness among all communities. Guide Enterprises who are seeking a profitable & secure future. Educate and train businesses in business resilience.
Really it's good blog about password management. Now a days it's very difficult to store and remember of different passwords. We are normally following the same techniques/ways, but we have very confuse about where to store our information.
We are talking about global identity, which may or may not be universally mapped with other forms of authentication .Password will be critical component of global identity. And, hence password management solution should be derived for universal use. In my next blog, i will be defining the best practices and approach to address such scenario.
Really it's good blog about password management. Now a days it's very difficult to store and remember of different passwords. We are normally following the same techniques/ways, but we have very confuse about where to store our information.
We are talking about global identity, which may or may not be universally mapped with other forms of authentication .Password will be critical component of global identity. And, hence password management solution should be derived for universal use.
In my next blog, i will be defining the best practices and approach to address such scenario.
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